Thursday, July 30, 2015

The FItbit is Back!!!!

Looks like it is my charger that is dead and not my Fitbit....WHEW!!!  Good thing I have like a couple of replacements around the house. With that said, I am off and walking (not running) today.

It's going to be a busy one filled with meetings so I probably won't get as many steps in as usual... which makes me a little sad.  Oh well, there is always the weekend!

Tonight is going to be tough. I usually do meal planning for the week using crock pots and stockpiling meals and snacks.  Well, Tuesday night I had a work event that ran late and when I got home I forgot to put Wednesday and Thursday night's dinners in the crock pot.  Wednesday we still had left overs from Tuesday so that was easy.  The bad thing?  I forgot to cook again on Wednesday night.  UGH!!!  It was going to be an Asian Pork Tenderloin, too!  Oh well... I guess I will cook that Sunday and be set for Monday and Tuesday.

OK - I had better get going!  I hope you have a great and productive day!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Requiem for a Fitbit

 OK - so I am being overly dramatic but my Fitbit is dead.  It is my fault.  All I had to do was keep it charged which is needed every 4 to 5 days.  I got the email warning.  I had my charger with me but I failed. 

Today, I resolve to get my charger to work with my Fitbit.  To have it fully charged and ready to count my steps as soon as it is. 

Maybe I wore it out yesterday.  I hit over 8400 steps!  It was a promising day!  I was thrilled to know I was pushing toward the fifth dot on my Flex.  And then it happened...

Each morning, I set up my iPad so I can see the steps increase as I get ready for my day.  Often I have more than 1200 steps before I even leave the house in the morning.  That was not to be today.  :(  My step counter on the app remained at zero. As I stepped on the scale... as I paced as I brushed my teeth... as I stepped into my closet to get my clothes for the day,  the counter remained at zero. 

I tried to charge it on the way to the office but no luck.  I tried when I logged on my computer... still nothing.  I will fix this!  I will be charged again... and soon!  But for now, I will be sad as I miss the opportunities to build my step counter today.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Struggle is Real!

OK - I know it could be worse than it is but I am having a hard time getting over the hurdle.  This weekend was a small loss.  I was able to walk about 1.04 miles with my sweetie who is recovering from hernia surgery.  We usually walk more than that since the weekend is the only time I can really get out there!  Problem is after walk, I have been overly tired lately. 

This weekend we had a family event outside so the sun may have drained me a little.  I came home and napped for two hours.  I slept late on Sunday and napped Sunday evening.  (I did make it over 8k steps on Sunday but 10k is my goal.)  Monday, I came home and took a nap before dinner!  Good thing I pre-cook for the week on Sundays!

Now today is Tuesday and I am determined to hit at least 8K again. This morning, I paced while brushing my teeth.  I paced a little while waiting for my kid to leave for the bus stop.  I parked a little farther than usual at work and I plan on taking the long route to the bathroom as I go today! Tonight, I have a corporate event where my company is bringing in the Beach Boys to perform for us. I should be able to grab some more steps there.... so maybe I can hit my 10K goal.

Milestone check: So far I am at 1,370 and I am sitting down today. So 10% down!

Doesn't sound like much, right?  But think about it: if you add 50 extra steps to every path you walk today, you could easily add another 500-1000 steps a day.  I sit at a desk for my job. On some days I am not as tired feeling as I am today, I raise my desk and stand all day. It is amazing how many steps you take just standing while you work.  Each time you adjust counts.  Each time you go to your file cabinet counts.  Every time you go get water to water that sad plant on your desk counts! :)

So personal challenge dropped... My goal today is to hit 8k.  My "supergoal" is 10K.

Let's do this!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Saving Time: Meal Planning

I wish I was able to add about 6 more hours to my day, every day.  Unfortunately, I cannot! Right now, I am constantly looking for ways to find more time with my family and for myself.

One thing I have been doing for a long time that has really helped is meal planning.  One night every week, I sit down with my laptop or tablet (sometimes both) and go through Pinterest and my Pepperplate account to plan what we will eat the following week. 

My son is on a gluten free diet and Pinterest is a wealth of recipes and snack ideas... LOVE IT!  I look low calorie snacks and gluten free lunches and diet/workout ideas!  There are TONS!!!

Then, I use the Pepperplate bookmarklet to import the recipes I like or want to try into my Pepperplate account.  I use a Microsoft Word template I created to fill in what we will eat and when.  This includes my lunches and my son's lunches and snacks for Monday through Friday.  From Pepperplate, I can automatically build my shopping list from the recipes and presto-chango, I am good to go.  I take my tablet to the grocery and shop away!  Now if I could find an app to automatically shop, put away the groceries, and cook for me, I would be in great shape! :)

The majority of what I cook is done in the crock pot which lets me bank even MORE time!  My son and I spend our Sunday afternoons packing snacks for the week and throwing things into the crock pots (yes I said crock...pots, as in multiple! LOL!)

I know this may not work for everyone but it works for us.  If you have any tips you use to add more time to your day, please feel free to share them in the comments section below. 

Friday, July 24, 2015


So it has been a couple of days since I have blogged.  I have not done well with eating.  At work, management has been supplying the lunch and it was not been the most slimming! From sandwiches on the most wonderful bread to burgers from Five Guys, I am sure my weight is up a little.

My mood has not been the best so I have been doing little things to pick up my mood.  Last night we went to the theater and saw Pixar's Inside Out as a family.  That was mostly great!  The movie was great.  We were the only ones in the theater initially and then it happened!  A set of grandparents and two grandkids came in... guess where they sat!  OF COURSE, RIGHT BEHIND US!  The little one kicked my chair the whole movie... especially after I asked the grandmother to ask him to stop.  (Inconsiderate!) As that little Tanner girl from Full House would say, "HOW RUDE!"

I have taken the time to peruse Pinterst for some simple exercises.  I have pulled "the 27-day Squat Challenge" to work on my thighs and to lift that behind of mine! :)  Then I pulled the "3 Minute Workout for Arms".

I can tell a difference in my arms and legs after just 3 days of the squat challenge and 2 days of the arm workout.  I know it does not seem like much to many of you who are reading this but something is MUCH better than nothing.

Even if you do one thing more today, it is one more thing you did than you did yesterday.  Every journey starts with one step.  If you are worried about not being able to do anything or not being able to do enough, pick something. It could be something small... and get started.

This whole thing started with just a small purchase about 2 years ago... I will tell you about it another time.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Trying AGAIN!

So I forgot to update you on the weight search from last night.... I did not find them. :( I am sure they are in the very back of the storage room where I did not get to. So I took the next best route: during my lunch break, I got online with and purchased a set of 5-lb weights.  I have already used them tonight with my arm workout infographic I found on Pinterest (LOVE that site!)  I am six months out from my winter vacation... I have to get my arms tight and right! HA!  LOL!  (Link goes to one of my favorite Saturday Night Live skits with Ellen Page!)

Try again?

Ok - it is Wednesday.  I have a chance to do better than yesterday.  I decided that getting to the gym tonight would be a bit much. My goal today? Increase water intake.  Considering it was only about 16oz yesterday, that should be easy!  I can tell I am a little dehydrated. :(

I am heading out to work in a few minutes.  When I get there, I will go over to the building that houses our cafeteria and fill up my 32oz Contigo water bottle with water and ice!  I am hoping to be able to get through that one bottle today before I leave the office. How great would it be if I have to go over and refill with ice and water before or around lunch!

That would be great especially since I would get to log about 1000 extra steps on my Fitbit if I do that! Nice!

OK heading out... wish me luck!